Update Security Groups Automatically Using AWS Lambda avaliações

Update Security Groups Automatically Using AWS Lambda avaliações

2044 avaliações

Mya Thiri H. · Revisado há almost 6 years

dane e. · Revisado há almost 6 years

When testing the Lambda, the Lambda failed because the maximum number of rules per security group had been reached (i.e. the number of IP addresses in the test event were too many).

Mathew W. · Revisado há almost 6 years

lambda function failed

James B. · Revisado há almost 6 years

Stefano S. · Revisado há almost 6 years

Lab doesnt work, the number of ranges exceed the maximun of rules per SG

Blas P. · Revisado há almost 6 years

Broke again this was the error { "stackTrace": [ [ "/var/task/lambda_function.py", 25, "lambda_handler", "result = update_security_groups(cf_ranges)" ], [ "/var/task/lambda_function.py", 58, "update_security_groups", "if update_security_group(client, group, new_ranges, INGRESS_PORTS['Http']):" ], [ "/var/task/lambda_function.py", 101, "update_security_group", "added += add_permissions(client, group, permission, to_add)" ], [ "/var/task/lambda_function.py", 128, "add_permissions", "client.authorize_security_group_ingress(GroupId=group['GroupId'], IpPermissions=[add_params])" ], [ "/var/runtime/botocore/client.py", 314, "_api_call", "return self._make_api_call(operation_name, kwargs)" ], [ "/var/runtime/botocore/client.py", 612, "_make_api_call", "raise error_class(parsed_response, operation_name)" ] ], "errorType": "ClientError", "errorMessage": "An error occurred (RulesPerSecurityGroupLimitExceeded) when calling the AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress operation: The maximum number of rules per security group has been reached."

Michel L. · Revisado há almost 6 years

Error step 3 to many instances ... Try again.

Michel L. · Revisado há almost 6 years

Juthawong N. · Revisado há almost 6 years

Adam F. · Revisado há almost 6 years

John M. · Revisado há almost 6 years

sachin p. · Revisado há almost 6 years

JEROME M. · Revisado há almost 6 years

Step 22 and beyond references instructions that are not doable in the lab.

Casey G. · Revisado há almost 6 years

I just wanted to reserve this lab, did not do it yet

Davy C. · Revisado há almost 6 years


Alex B. · Revisado há almost 6 years

Emmanuel S. · Revisado há almost 6 years

Paul V. · Revisado há almost 6 years

Takashi Y. · Revisado há almost 6 years

kimura y. · Revisado há almost 6 years

vidyullatha t. · Revisado há almost 6 years

Sara B. · Revisado há almost 6 years

Did this in less than 10 minutes. Copy and pasting code, not explaining how code worked. Not worth the $10. If a human actually reads this, I'd really like my money back.

Chris H. · Revisado há almost 6 years

David B. · Revisado há almost 6 years

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